We all find ourselves with very different circumstances during the quarantine. Well, in some ways we do. Many widows have told me that isolation is not a big deal for them; they feel isolated all the time. Some seasoned widows have gone so far to tell me “We’ve got this! Our time as widows has been great training for quarantine!” And it’s a sad truth. Too many of us lose our social connections along with losing our spouse. There is a silver lining to everything, I suppose.
So the question becomes, now that we’ve had large chunks of time handed to us, how do we make the best of this? Or even better, how do we best use this time to help ourselves? I’ve got some ideas about that…you knew I would ;). Some ideas are underway, some are in development, and some are just waiting in the wings. Those of you who follow my Facebook page have heard me rant about how the first skill a widow needs is some basic computer ability. If you have that, you can find or learn anything else. I was and am certain about that, but I sure didn’t want the proof to arrive on the feet of an international pandemic.
With the shutdown, more than ever we need those skills to get medical cave via telemedicine, to shop online for basic supplies including pantry, to attend church services on the internet, to stay in touch with family and friends, some of us to work from home and to pay bills and check balances. Here’s a news flash…After quarantine ends, we are never, ever going back to business as it used to be usual. Those days are gone. The need to be computer savvy is more urgent than ever before.
Mindful of that, and because we still need the support and companionship of other widows, even while quarantined, I’ve put together some new programs. A group of us enjoyed our first Zoom chat the other night. With a show of hands (the beauty of Zoom is that I could actually see those hands), we decided to do it again this Sunday night. In fact, as an experiment, you are invited to join us in a Zoom chat for the next four weeks for FREE. At the end of that four-week cycle, we’ll see where we are, whether we should continue, modify or cease these calls. It’s just something, as a small business person, I can do to help out during the crisis. Fair warning, if they are successful, they won’t be free forever. The expenses of maintaining this website and other platforms have not been quarantined, and just like you, I have electric bills to pay and groceries to buy. The widow support work I do is not a hobby,…it’s my job. For now, let’s do some pilot chats.
So, I invite you to join us in our Zoom Room on Sunday nights at 8 pm EST through May 24th. I lock down the privacy settings pretty tightly so that we keep out the widow trolls. Because of that, I must insist that you have your camera on so that we can see you and so that we can feel more connected to one another. It’s a good idea to have some post-its or small paper and a pen handy. I will likely ask all of you a question and to hold up your written answers. Comments, emoticons are also welcome and encouraged. You can participate from your laptop or your phone, but I find my laptop is the most comfortable. That’s just my personal preference.
Come as you are, so long as you are decent. Jeans, pajamas and a robe doesn’t matter. One of the other advantages of online Zoom calls is that you never have to leave the comfort of your own home. Grab a favorite beverage, get comfortable and jump in on Sunday. Here’s the Zoom chat info:
Meeting ID: 750 1905 3077
Password: 5aXF42
If you’ve never used Zoom before, it’s simple. Copy the link and paste it in your web browser and you should be good to go. Or from the Zoom app, enter the meeting ID and password (on graphic).
I sincerely hope you will come to join us, as we wind down another week of quarantine. We aim to make it fun!
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