Coach with Me!

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Here at the Widowlution, we believe in using a variety of tools to heal our hurting hearts. A book that shares the story of someone else who has had a similar loss can be enormously helpful, and they’re available to purchase right here. Be sure to scroll down and be sure to see all of them.


All of Mary Lee’s books are available at The Grief Toolbox The Grief Toolbox

They can also be found on Amazon and Barnes and Noble online, or in-store by request.


Coaching with Mary Lee

Grief counseling gets you back on your feet and functioning. Grief coaching gets those feet moving forward and goes beyond merely functioning, but restoring joy in your life. It really is possible, and we can coach together to achieve that. Mary Lee’s approach is fresh and different but uses very simple real-world tools that you probably already possess.

We can work together in a variety of ways, thanks to the internet. We can work together in private coaching via phone calls, Skype or emails. We can work together in a group coaching video conference. And now? I even have both an ICare Christ-centered Grief Group Zoom course as well as a self-guided Widowlution DIY eight-week online course. Learn all the details here: Coach with Mary Lee. Here’s an idea of some of the things we will work on:

  • Getting good sleep again
  • Music to heal by
  • Anxiety & grounding
  • Fashion to heal by (no, we aren’t talking about retail therapy)
  • Meals & eating habits and solutions
  • Home Dec and creating a home sanctuary that promotes healing, things Chip and Joanna won’t teach you
  • Stress reducers
  • Home accessories for comfort
  • Practical changes in your home to make it work for you
  • Putting together some “sweatsuit alternatives” that are comfortable, but keep you looking and feeling your best.
  • Discovering your new life purpose
  • Rebuilding your social life
  • Learning to eat out alone and really enjoy it
  • Travel solo safely

By scheduling a free 15-minute consultation call on her site at Coach with Mary Lee , you’ll know if grief coaching with her is for you. Go ahead, book an appointment today!